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Obsolescing doctors
AI's are surpassing doctors in all manner of diagnoses - and they're only getting better
Learning language like kids do
Using a weakly supervised approach - i.e. limited training data- and letting the AI figure out meaning based on observation
ML meets Neurobiology
AI replicates fruit fly visual system; blows away humans in facial recognition (fruit fly faces, that is).
Deep Fakes and How to Spot Them
AI-driven video which put words in the mouths of celebrities takes fake news to a whole new level - but they can be detected.
The NLP Decathlon
Here are the ten tasks your NLP needs to accomplish to be the Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner of AI
Neural Networks - researchers tackle the "interpretability" challenge
Because in so many applications, we need to know why the AI is making the decisions it's making
Public sector AI applications
So, does this mean AI can faciliatate tax audits???
Instant Diagnosis of Cancer Type, Using an Off-The-Shelf Cloud ML model
The team trained a deep convolutional neural network, Google's Inception v3, on slide images obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas.
AI-enhanced model beats existing models for predicting heart diseases
As in so many other domains, the AI takes a counterintuitive approach, and wins
AI in the fight against climate change
Coral Reef scientists use AI to design more efficient responses to the creeping extinction
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