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YouTube's caption AI mishears words spoken by children and those with unfamiliar accents..
crab is crap, buster is bastard, etc. Children's videos seem most acutely affected, so it's kind of a big deal - and shows how inaccurate...
Coder who's applied for patents on behalf of AI for inventions seeks, unsuccessfully, a copyright..
for its art Copyright board requires human agency in works - a stipulation that appears nowhere in Copyright law Click here for related...
MuZero optimizes video compression for YouTube - with AI's penchant for strategies never considered
The trial-and-error method can be applied to war games, logistics, and any system characterized by discrete steps Click here for related...
The cost savings would be enormous - but AI's success to date in writing code is fairly modest
Still, the implications for programmers are huge - what kinds of coding will remain elusive for AI's, and which will not Click here for...
An AI model's ability to explain itself - an obsession of regulators - depends on its ability to..
attribute cause and effect Models are in their infancy, but there's gold for any that can plausibly identify causality - where are the...
South Africa leads the way in acknowledging the role of AI in patent law - U.S., Europe..
choose willful blindness Credit where it's due - if the AI has created a product which no human has conceived, it is "patently" the...
Providing neural networks with "memories" drives outperformance in large language models
"RETRO" models also enhance explainability as modelers can see which parts of the database have been referenced in a given task Click...
Alpha Zero's style is to slowly build up pressure; building appreciation for the h-pawn advance
Wherever AI has been applied, it has discovered strategies that have escaped human ken Click here for related article
One of the last remaining human intelligence tasks is to be accomplished by "few-shot learning"..
AI methods The core knowledge has already been imparted from people to machines - thanks humans, and good luck in your future endeavors...
Reigning NLP champion GPT appears most "brainlike" to neuroscientists in processing language
The very best AI's were not developed with the intention to mimic human brain processes - yet, they do Click here for related article
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