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AI Comes to the ER
Researchers used 37,236 head CT scans to train a deep neural network to identify whether an image contained critical or non-critical finding
AI use cases for automating customer service
Eleven ways that companies are using AI to help drive sales
Overview of National AI strategies
Canada was first, but now over fifteen countries have published AI strategies
Reinforcement Learning Applied to New Drug Design
Artificial intelligence system designs drugs from scratch.
Breakthrough in Robotic Dexterity, Thanks to AI
Decades of research in grasping and manipulation yielded little progress, but this challenge may finally be yielding to machine learning tec
AI helps create all kinds of new chemicals
And if it can do that, why not use it design the perfect human (gulp)?
Robot-assisted therapy for autism
Personalized deep learning and therapy robots
How to Win at Everything - Just Bring Along Some Friends.
Agents learn from scratch how to see, act, cooperate, and compete in unseen environments, all from a single reinforcement signal per match:
Using AI to understand volcanic eruptions
A new tool in the vulcanologist's toolkit enhances understanding through analysis of volcanic ash
MIT's robot can read your mind - no matter who you are
Previous bots could learn a particular person's brainwave patters - they're so 2017
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