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Deep Fakes: AI can now animate your face based on a single photo
By blending disparate machine learning techniques, AI researchers have made creating Deep Fakes a "snap": with around 32 photos of
Ai-Da is a robot artist - the first to have a solo show dedicated to its creations
"She" has a robotic arm and human-like features, and is able to use images placed in front of her as inspiration to produce sketch
AI "exploding across the sciences"
AI in the fusion lab: advancing the quest for unlimited energy
Neural Networks - researchers tackle the "interpretability" challenge
Because in so many applications, we need to know why the AI is making the decisions it's making
Reinforcement Learning Applied to New Drug Design
Artificial intelligence system designs drugs from scratch.
How to Win at Everything - Just Bring Along Some Friends.
Agents learn from scratch how to see, act, cooperate, and compete in unseen environments, all from a single reinforcement signal per match:
Using AI to understand volcanic eruptions
A new tool in the vulcanologist's toolkit enhances understanding through analysis of volcanic ash
AI vs. AI - Adversarial Learning
Privacy filter for your photos is designed to thwart facial recognition technology.
So, maybe AI is the solution for the crisis in health care costs
AI scores better in diagnosing skin cancers than experienced dermatologists.
Recognizing Faces in the Dark
See how the Army Research Laboratory is doing groundbreaking work in AI
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